Bali Glass Wind Chimes (608)

The Real Bali Glass Wind Chimes Production

When you add wind chimes to your porch or patio, you bring a new dimension into your outdoor space. The sound of the wind chimes adds gentle ambiance. There are actually many reasons that the gentle, tinkling is used. Some of these include:
Soothing – the calming and soothing affects will provide peaceful background noise while you work or play outside.
Health – there is evidence that the chiming sound created by wind improves health.
Comfort – the gentle sound will comfort a troubled mind.

It is well known that certain types of music such as wind chime can be beneficial to patients who have high-blood pressure or heart conditions. As a light breeze blows, the wind chime peels its jingling strains in your backyard. To sit and listen will encourage total relaxation, which can be beneficial for many health problems. The psychological benefits actually work to benefit the physical ailments.

We are producing many kind of unique and custom handcrafted wind chimes for five year over experience and large production capacity. One of them is glass wind chime.
This product is consider new product and unique product, we call it glass wind chime. The idea is coming from nice sound of glass when we hit it, touch each other or glass fall down to the floor. Everyone will love this sound. By this phenomenal, we create this nice sound become a wind chime product. It is very popular, products such as metal wind chime, bamboo wind chime , ceramic wind chime , shell wind chime, etc, and now we will add one more product as a glass wind chime

Bali Glass Wind Chimes Artwork Bali Glass Wind Chimes

Of course, to create this product needs care by pay attention on glass material, size, shape, color , combination with other material and more. Variety of cutted glass size will create different kind of nice sound. This is the one make advantage of the glass wind chime. Shape of glass will improve beautiful looked of wind chime. Regarding shape we are able to produce such as abstract, trees, bone, fish, leaf, bottle, and much more. You will see this on our wind chime catalog for inspiration. More over we are able to use recycle glass such as glass bottle, sea glass, etc. About color, we are not so worry. Color is created as natural color reference or even modern look color. This we did by hand painting with professional artist. Other material is using to built this product such as metal, wire, accessories beat, drift wood and etc. It’s very interesting to talk about drift wood as hanger of the wind chime glass. This material is consider rubbish at the sea or river, but we use a nice product such as wind chime.

Please you look at some galleries wind chime product we’ve ever made

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG BL 001 Diamond Bluish

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG SS 001 Diamond Sunset

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG AS 002 Squiggles Assorted

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG GR 002 Squiggles Greenish

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG BL 002 Squiggles Bluish Gradation

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG SS 003 Ellipses Sunset

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG BL 003 Ellipses Bluish

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG BL 004 Basic Rectangles Bluish

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG AS 004 Basic Rectangles Assorted

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG RP 005 Falling Ripe Leaves

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG GR 005 Falling Leaves Greenish

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG BL 006 Simply Rectangle Bluish

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG AS 006 Simply Rectangle Assorted

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG GR 007 Simply Ovals Greenish

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG AS 007 Simply Ovals Assorted

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG AS 008 Simply Squiggles Assorted

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG BL 008 Simply Squiggles Bluish Gradation

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG BL 009 Painted Fish Bluish

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG RD 009 Painted Fish Reddish

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG RD 010 Butterfly Reddish

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG GR 011 Heliconia Butterfly Green

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG GR 012 Scallop Butterfly Green

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG BL 013 Blue Bird

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG GR 014 Sunflower on The Leaf

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG GR 015 Frog on The Leaf

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG RD 016 Chelsea Flower

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG OR 017 Clown Fish Orange

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG RD 017 Clown Fish Red

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG AS 018 Simply Bottle Shape Assorted

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG BL 019 Basic Bottle Shape Bluish

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG PL 020 Spin Diamond Plain - Ice Glass

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG BL 020 Spin Diamond Bluish - Ice Glass

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG CL 021 Spin Rectangle Plain - Ice Glass

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG GR 022 Evergreen Tree

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG AS 023 Funny Fish Assorted

Bali Glass Wind Chimes

608 RG GR 024 Spin Beer Bottle Greenish

Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Series

Bali Driftwood
Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG BL 026 Driftwood Simply Rectangle

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG SS 027 Driftwood Simply Leaves Sunset

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 027 Driftwood Simply Leaves Greenish

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG AS 027 Driftwood Simply Leaves Assorted

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG AS 028 Driftwood Falling Leaves Greenish

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG BL 029 Driftwood Portland Bluish

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 030 Driftwood Pothland Greenish

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 031 Driftwood Simply Bottle Shape

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 031 Driftwood Simply Bottle Shape

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 031 Driftwood Simply Fish Shape Bluish

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG AS 032 Driftwood Glass Mushroom

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG AS 033 Driftwood Glass Sailboat

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 034 Driftwood Waterfall Leaf

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG BL 034 Driftwood Waterfall Leaf

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG BN 034 Driftwood Waterfall Leaf

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG AS 034 Driftwood Waterfall Leaf

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 035 Driftwood Beer Bottle Recycle

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG PL 035 Driftwood Beer Bottle Recycle

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG YL 036 Driftwood Small Bottle Recycle

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG FR 036 Driftwood Small Bottle Recycle

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG PT 037 Driftwood Large Bottle Recycle

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG BL 038 Driftwood Glass and Bead 70 cm

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 038 Driftwood Glass and Bead 70 cm

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG BL 039 Driftwood Glass and Bead 100 cm

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 039 Driftwood Glass and Bead 100 cm

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG AS 040 Driftwood Sea Glass Bottle Recycle

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 041 Driftwood Bottle Break Recycle

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG BL 042 Driftwood Waterfall Messanger

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG BR 042 Driftwood Waterfall Messanger

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 042 Driftwood Waterfall Messanger

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG BL 043 Driftwood Heliconia

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 044 Driftwood Forest Tree

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 045 Driftwood Fir-tree

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG RD 046 Driftwood Butterfly Reddish

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG BL 047 Driftwood Butterfly Blueback

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 048 Driftwood Butterfly Luna Moth

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG RD 049 Driftwood Red Fish

Bali Driftwood Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG GR 050 Driftwood Funny Frog

Bali Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG BR 051 Jelly Fish

Bali Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG AS 052 Parrot in Love

Bali Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG RD 053 Watermelon

Bali Glass Wind Chimes Production

608 RG RD 054 Owl Bird

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6 Responses to Bali Glass Wind Chimes (608)

  1. Gus Nanda says:

    Thank for your comments
    Please see Glass Wind chimes Catalog on
    please select product code that you like and send to e-mail me
    Thank you, Gus Nanda

  2. monica says:

    solicito precio del modelo de llamadores RG 608 BL 020 spin diamante – cristales de hielo
    modificando el color en las gamas del negro hasta el azul pero conservando la forma de rombo
    cantidad 70 unidades

  3. dean crowley says:

    How much…Wind chimes.

  4. Terry says:

    Please advise showroom location.

    • gusnanda says:

      thank for your comment :

      Gus Nanda
      Design & Marketing Director
      HP GSM : +62 81338285434
      HP CDMA : +62 361 8037955
      YM : gusnanda007
      FB : aurabalicraft

      PT. Aura Bali Craft
      the real bali handicraft productions
      Jl. Raya Dalung – Abianbase No. 95
      Br. Kaja, Ds. Dalung, Kc. Kuta Utara
      Badung, Bali – Indonesia 80361
      Telp : +62 361 8640323, 439663
      Fax : +62 361 439663
      E-mail :
      Website : <a href="” target=”_blank”>
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